On June the 26th 2023 the Komfort team welcomed back Ellie Lawford

Ellie became the face of Komfort in the North, working with our Key Contractors and Installers on a variety of projects and was instrumental in increasing the Komfort turnover in this region five-fold.
When Covid hit this caused a major life re-evaluation and Ellie unfortunately decided to move to a position with a top competitor where she gained further experience.
However, after 18 months she could objectively see that the Komfort products were great, the projects impressive and most of all that the company culture was nurturing and supportive. When Jim Smith, Komfort’s MD asked her to return, she said “YES!”.
“We are delighted that Ellie has decided to rejoin Komfort. Our business is a better place with Ellie working for us. Her experience, knowledge and relationships will make a huge difference in helping Komfort on their next step of the journey. Welcome back !!” Jim Smith
Everyone at Komfort, including our customers are thrilled to see Ellie back at Komfort and she has big plans and a massive ambition to build the brand into the future.