Komfort’s latest news
Take a look at our latest news within the partitioning industry for acoustic and fire advice as well as top tips for specifying our systems. This includes industry trends, product developments and company insights. Happy reading!
Interview with Will Kirkham at SGI
Interview with Will Kirkham at SGI As Komfort Partitioning celebrates 50 years in the partitioning business, we caught up with William Kirkham, Managing Director of Service Group [...]
Product Development 1973-2023
The Komfort Product Range 1973-2023 Over the past 50 years Komfort has manufactured all sorts of partitioning solutions Starting in 1973 with the 600 series, Komfort has [...]
Customer Survey 2023
The Results: Komfort 50th Anniversary Customer Survey 2023 We asked our customers what their thoughts were about Komfort, as we celebrate 50 years in the partitioning business. [...]
50 years of Komfort at Clerkenwell Design Week 2023
The countdown to Clerkenwell Design Week 2023 has begun, will you be there? If you are attending the event, come and find the Komfort team at CDW in [...]
Barry Bates Revisits Komfort
Barry Bates marks 50 years in the partitioning business for Komfort with a visit to Crawley No-one knows more about the early [...]
Michael Laird Highly Commended for National Robotarium
The National Robotarium highly commended in the Scottish Property Awards for Architectural Excellence We were thrilled to hear that Michael Laird, architect for the Robotarium project in Edinburgh, received [...]