Komfort Strengthens Its Fire Screens Offering
Fire safety is increasingly important for all those within the built environment. There is a growing demand for reliable and trusted UK product manufacturers to ensure fire safety products can be specified with confidence.
We have a continued commitment to providing specialised solutions to meet the most stringent fire and safety regulations for commercial and industrial buildings. Our fire rated systems now include the enhanced Defence Fire Screen range which enables designers and installers to maximise the potential of a space while still adhering to all fire safety regulations, providing protection for up to 120 minutes. Each system has been designed to the highest specification and fully tested and accredited.

Fire Screen Offering
Komfort’s Defence E Fire Screens offer integrity performance only. These systems work to prevent the passage of fire, this includes the spread of flame, smoke and toxic gas, but not heat. They offer fire ratings from 30 minutes to 60 minutes, alongside acoustic and structural performance.
Komfort’s Defence EI Fire Screens offer integrity and insulation performance. Meaning these systems work to prevent the spread of flame, smoke and the transference of heat to the protected side. These systems work to meet the highest level of fire protection, offering ratings from 30 minutes to 120 minutes with high acoustic and structural performance.
If you have any questions regarding Komfort’s Fire Screen offering, please contact our dedicated division at firescreens@komfort.co.uk.