12 10, 2020

Zone offices from within

2021-10-20T09:33:00+00:00October 12th, 2020|

Zone offices from within – considering company culture Over recent months, we have all learned and appreciated the value of the office space. Whilst the novelty of home working was enticing at first, this was short-lived. A lot has to be said for face-to-face interaction [...]

1 05, 2020

Leaving open-plan office design behind?

2021-10-20T10:05:22+00:00May 1st, 2020|

Leaving open-plan office design behind? Can we expect to see a shift in how we experience the world after the pandemic? And what will this mean for the workplace? People are the driving force behind every company and now it is more important than [...]

15 04, 2019

Healthy work spaces

2020-08-10T13:29:35+00:00April 15th, 2019|

Healthy work spaces With those living in the UK spending on average 90% of their day inside and most working outside of their homes, it comes as no surprise that working environments are important to an individual’s health. […]

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